Well today was a good day! I guess me and the guys in obscure fish were taking the Non disclosure agreement that we signed a little too seriously. We are imitating a real company, not actually making a real company. We were keeping all of our work secret ... but basically the point is that we are able to talk about all the things we are working on.
So I have to go back a bit and try to piece together some of the things I have done so far. But I will start with a little bit of info about the small game side project I did, called Trip'n. It was for the Game Prototype Challenge version 11. The neat thing about this game jam is that there are 2 themes to use in making your game. The theme for the jam was Stimulants and Nets ... quite an interesting mix. At first I thought what in the world could you do with that, then in about 5 minutes I had an idea. In comparison the Global Game Jam 2012 used an image based theme, which I still am not sure how to handle.
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