
Obscure Fish

So, what is an Obscure Fish you ask? Well it is a hidden fish of course. But also it's a simulation indie game company formed by a group of aspiring video game developers, of which I am one. As part of the computer simulation and gaming program at MATC, you learn the ins and outs of what it takes to make games by forming your own indie company. So I was placed in a group of strangers and told that these are going to be the people I'm working with in this program. We went through names, we discussed some things, and 4 hours later Obscure Fish was born. Okay there may have been some more to it than that, but you get the gist of it (and the rest is classified information).
Obscure Fish Logo by Jason Wiegele

I should note that I didn't have a clue what to expect that first day of class, but I came ready to find out. Honestly I had become so accustomed to working on my own that working in a group was quite a radical shift for me. I am used to doing things my way, but now I am learning to question my opinions by considering the opinions of others. What I've tried to do so far is put my stubbornness about various issues aside, and support the team by bringing in all of the qualities that I have that I know can be beneficial to the group. But at the same time I don't hesitate to fight for my opinions on various matters, mostly because I know that out of a good argument can grow a great idea. And more than anything else I want Obscure Fish to be the best at whatever we do.

I look at everything as an opportunity to learn, and so far I'm learning things in this program that I hadn't really considered before, while also getting validation that some of the things I have been doing for a while are right. For example I stopped playing video games a long while ago! I think this is an important divide that gamers need to figure out how to deal with if they want to start making games. For me I know there just isn't enough time in the day to build them and play them. The flip side is that now when games are discussed, and they are discussed a lot, I am out of the loop on all of them. Go fig.

So yeah …  Go Obscure Fish!

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