
Obscure Fish

So, what is an Obscure Fish you ask? Well it is a hidden fish of course. But also it's a simulation indie game company formed by a group of aspiring video game developers, of which I am one. As part of the computer simulation and gaming program at MATC, you learn the ins and outs of what it takes to make games by forming your own indie company. So I was placed in a group of strangers and told that these are going to be the people I'm working with in this program. We went through names, we discussed some things, and 4 hours later Obscure Fish was born. Okay there may have been some more to it than that, but you get the gist of it (and the rest is classified information).


Global Game Jam 2012

Recently I took part in the 2012 Global Game Jam at the MATC Downtown Campus. The GGJ is the world's largest game jam event, with hundreds of "Jam Sites" around the world. Teams meet up for the 48 hour challenge of building a game based on a specific theme given by the GGJ Theme Committee. The 2012 theme was the following image, not exactly what I was expecting.


Day 3 at CSG production lab

Today my team Obscure Fish set up team roles for the upcoming edutainment game project. We are still feeling the waters so to speak with specific tasks involved with the overall project, but we are enthusiastic and want to be prepared.  I decided to take the role of build master for this project.  I am sure I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I am very excited about the project that we are going to do.  We are hard at work putting together a proper game design document.

Here is a crappy demo I did. And some design things