
Unity3d Android Games List

Put together a list of all of the Unity3d made Android games I can find using playboard. Check it out.


The Declaration of Independence (Google Translated)

I present to you, the The Declaration of Independence  After translating it using Google Translate from English into Spanish, then into Japanese, then Russian and finally back into English. Enjoy!


Advanced C# messenger using Enum

Made a little modification to Advanced C# messenger by Ilya Suzdalnitski
basically just changed it to use an enum rather than a string for messages.

This allows you to set up messages in the Message enum, rather than trying to keep track of a bunch of strings. You can also add summaries to the messages to help remember what they are for.

I am sure there is a better way to share this ... but ahhwell



Made a calculator for a game I'm working on.
Check it out!


If there is any interest, I can do a write up on how I put this together. Thanks.